
祝福那些為   非洲院童付出的人們

文/圓通中學五年級老師 馬莉亞












ACC is a nonprofit making organization that has a version of uplifting the kids lives and aims to educate, and enhance their development. ACC has a mission of empowering those kids for the betterment of their lives through the services, duties place, children’s perspectives seem be understood therefore their future is busting with promises. This organization has a positive attitude, influence and power to change the life of those kids who were needy and homeless before.

ACC plays an out most important role in the entire country. Being part of this Centre has taught me so many things that really capture my mind. I have learned that our purpose on earth is to add a bright value to other people’s lives. This is where I have learned that no matter how little you have, we always need to share with the needy ones, this is exactly that ACC done, not only to those orphans in campus but to every needy ones around the district.

ACC did not hesitate to offer help that is why they even established the (CBOs) out there just to ensure that no child goes to bed with empty stomach. They offer the essential needs such as food, clothes and others.


I am really in love with these Buddhists people who are building our future leaders. They really bring change to our children and thus a change for the better. This is not only to the kids but to the citizens of Lesotho. Because ACC provided jobs to many Basotho people. They also change the lives of the nearby community people who struggled to get water hence they use to get water from the spring but ACC helped with their tanks to ensure a provision of clean water.


The love and the care offered to those beautiful kids in which has despite the fact of being orphans. The souls in that campus seem to be happy because they get every essential need for a child to grow actively.


At school Yuan Tong teachers do whatever it, takes to provide education of high quality as to reach the kids bright future. The learning environment at ACC is very conducive and even caters for everyone.


I feel so blessed to be counted as part of ACC and I am really in love with those kids, in fact, I think I have learned a parental role in there. Seeing the happy faces of the parentless, helpless, needy and homeless children before the arrival of this Buddhist people makes me love these Chinese more and more. May the almighty richly bless the founder of ACC and everyone who lent his/her hand for the success of ACC. I always thank our government that provided the land and do believe they may provide more as I have heard that shortage of land still remains as a challenge to those helpers.

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